Thursday, February 6, 2014


I wanted to start this blog with a thought that has been on my mind for quite some time (2-3 years).  This post will consist of consistency, but it may not be entirely consistent in the presentation because these thoughts have been moving around in my head for quite some time.  It is like trying to pick up jell-o with your fingers: some pieces come out nicely while others fall apart entire.  However, I will try my best.  Here we go!

People view consistency differently:
"Consistency is the last refuge of the unimaginative." -Oscar Wilde

"Leadership can't be fabricated.  If it is fabricated and rehearsed, you can't fool the guys in the locker room.  So when you talk about leadership, it comes with performance.  Leadership comes with consistency." -Junior Seau
Reading quotes of people on the topic, I have concluded that people are inconsistent on their stances on the subject.  On one hand, people need to branch out from where they are, to test new waters, to grow, which would seem terribly inconsistent... but the more things change, the more they stay the same.  You can be consistent in growth.

On the other hand, if you are not consistent in character, people that are close to you will not be deceived.  To be someone people close to you can trust long term, you have to be consistent.  Otherwise, people will only grow to consistently not trust you.

For the sake of this post, what I refer with the term "consistency" is our ability to hold fast to the same actions/words/messages that are in congruence with what we would hold as the ideal.  An example is that if you hold the idea that family is more important than watching sports, but you spend all day Saturday watching football and ignoring your family, you are not being congruent in your actions and words.  If you do this and claim watching college football is more important, then you are at least being consistent, but I hope you change your perspective soon.  Consistency can be bad, but I want to focus on holding good and high standards as the ideal.  Hopefully, a person is consistent in believing family is important and making time for them.

One may ask, "Where does he get these ideas?" to which I will respond, "Many places.  I have multiple experiences in my life that lead me to have all sorts of ideas.  Often times, things happen to reinforce these ideas.  However, this idea started with God."

For those of you with a concordance (or access to the internet... meaning everyone who can go online to read my blog), you can look up "consistency", "consistent", and "consistently" if you would like, but it isn't in the Bible I use (or any other popular translation that I checked other than The Message which is not really a translation, more of a running commentary on the Bible: useful for getting a new perspective on passages, not so much standing alone. I almost quoted one of them here because I agree with part of it, but the rest of that passage drastically changes the meaning from the original words to the extent that it takes away from the actual theme of the book of Hebrews... so for me to quote it would also have to include two paragraphs of explaining what the problem was... so this parenthetical statement will have to do).

So why am I so passionate about a topic that isn't specifically mentioned in the Bible?   So glad that I inferred you would ask me that.

Hebrews 13:8 (ESV) Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever.
As stated previously, the Bible is full of the consistencies of God.  He does not change.  He is love; He is holy; He is one.  His character is set.  We were made in His image.  We added in sin which completely changed how we are and how we view things.  But if we search for God's ideals in our lives, we can be closer to what He created us to be.

Search the Bible for this.  Do not just take my word for it.  I'm constantly growing myself.  Be constant in seeking the Lord.  If you are not active in going toward Him, you are moving further away from Him (that is my experience, anyway). 

A man came to Jesus (Luke 10) asking what he should do for eternal life.  Jesus asked the man how he read the scriptures to which he responded correctly according to Jesus saying, “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength and with all your mind, and your neighbor as yourself.”  However, the man did not stop there.  He chose to ask, "Who is my neighbor?"  The man NEEDED JUSTIFICATION for his actions.  Jesus tells a parable of a JEWISH MAN who is beaten and left on the side of the road.  A priest and Levite walk by on the other side of the road.  The SAMARITAN, a traitor, a half-breed, a defiler of who God is (in the sight of the Jews) helps him.  Jesus tells the story from the perspective of "Who would you want to help you?"  Be consistent.  If you would accept help when you are dying from someone, why wouldn't you help them?  Your neighbor that you are to love is whoever you would accept love from when every other option is broken down.  When no one else is merciful.  Consistency of loving everyone because deep down you want their love.  Deep down, God loves you both.  He consistently loves you, regardless of your shortcomings.  We are to do the same, consistently. Not simply to the people it is easy to love.  Not when there are no other options, but we are called to love as the greatest command.  Love is our ideal.  God is love.  Be consistent. Love everyone.

1 Corinthians 10:31 "So, whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God."  

Consistently give glory to God.  Do not let yourself slip into the idea that we are to sometimes give glory to God.  Everything we do, consistently, give glory to God.  God set the example of consistency.  Be consistent in glorifying God.
At another time, I may follow up with this in the idea of consistency in systems and relationships, but for now, consistently give God the glory. Consistently love.

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